Program Hours: Differ by location, please call for information on specific sites.
The Toddler Care program offers a warm, safe and secure environment for your child to grow and learn. Our caring staff guide each child through experiences that focus on their mental and physical development.
Toddlerhood is recognized as a unique and individual time frame from that of infancy or preschool. The developmental tasks of toddlerhood are treated with respect and nurturing. Coming from the mindset that we “expect” toddlers to behave in certain ways, alleviates many of the issues commonly associated with this period of development.
Registration for the YMCA Toddler Care is ongoing on a space-available basis. To learn more call or email:
White Plains
Ana Garcia, Director White Plains Early Learning Center
[email protected] (914)949-8030 Ext. 216
Maryuly Mendoza, Director of Early Learning Childcare Services
[email protected] (914)200-2282
“Hi Shana just wanted to let you know how grateful we are for all you do in C’s little class. even though she’s still crying every day getting dropped off, every afternoon she comes home to tell us how she had a great day and talks about Ms. Shana 🤣 it’s our first experience sending C to someone other than our family members and I know she is being cared for just like we do. Love all the posts.