The YMCA of CNW Youth & Government Teens had another successful NYS Youth & Government State Conference!
•Of our 8 passed bills, 6 went on to be signed by the Youth Governor
• 3 of our 4 attorney pairs won their case
• Francis took home Best Attorney at his first conference ever!
•Asa won Outstanding Debater
Above all, we got to spend an inspiring weekend with the next generation of change-makers. We can’t wait for next year!
Youth and Government™, a national YMCA program, empowers students from every corner of the U.S. by giving them the opportunity to learn about—and experience—government policies and methodologies firsthand.
This unique program is made up of thousands of teens nationwide in state-organized, model-government programs. Participants immerse themselves in experiential civic engagement, debate issues that affect citizens in their state, and even propose legislation. The program culminates with teens serving as delegates at the NYS Youth & Government State Conference, debating bills on the floor of the legislature.